April 5, 2013

Musicians are SEXY!

Only half true, Napoleon. You forgot the hair.
So, back during my spring break, Bruce and I watched this movie called "Safety Not Guaranteed" (which, just incase you were wondering, was actually pretty cute if you're looking for one of those moderately sappy indie movies), and, in one of the scenes, the main female character listens to the main dude character sing and play a song that he wrote for his girlfriend. During this scene, Bruce asked why girls go gaga over guys with instruments or guys who can sing. And it got me thinking for a moment. WHY do girls go crazy over these dreamboats with extra filling (aka talent and cuteness combined)?

Now, I'm totally guilty of this. Thinking back on all of my celebrity crushes I've had over the years or even guys I got goosebumps for in the real world, a lot of them had some kind of artistic talent that set them apart from the rest of the herd. I mean, my first school girl crush, for the love of God, was a skilled drawer at the age of 8... And later in high school, I liked singers and writers. There is just something about how a guy can twiddle his thumbs and make amazing stuff come from the ordinary (whoa... that sounds dirty. And now I'm making you analyze what I just said.... and now you think I'm a pervert! Happy day!) that makes him like a million times more attractive instantly. Because, trust me, I've liked guys who, before I knew they had this hidden hotness talent, I didn't even give a second glance. And then WHAM! *instant lady boner from hearing Josh Groban*

Of course, not every single guy who has some kind of artistic ability is going have the girls on their knees begging "Please, baby, please!" It's a package deal, dudes. You gotta walk the walk and talk the talk... and have great hair and teeth. 

I've always considered art a doorway to the soul, so a guy that just puts his soul on the table like that without making a girl work hard looking for it... That's just really hot.

Honestly, I think a guy exposing that side of him is what makes him super attractive. Courage and confidence are hot. If a guy lets me read his writing or isn't afraid to sing in the car with me (because I can't resist a good car sing-a-long no matter how hard I try), that instantly becomes bonus points
on the scale of "Is this guy worth swooning over or not?" But it's not like EVERY single guy who does these things is going to get my heart racing. Just, if you've got the rest of the ingredients, the added spoonful of sugar on top just might make the cake.... or give me diabetes.

So, write me your poems. Tell me a story. Serenade me with the sweetest canticles of the John Denver variety. Doodle me a picture of a Scottish terrier eating my face off. Do your finest, sir.

Too bad you'll never live up to any of my unrealistic expectations due to the fact that I read Twilight freshman year of high school.


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