August 5, 2013

Why The Rush, August?

Wow. How prompt am I in welcoming August to 2013? Well, in all fairness, I have barely been home or mentally awake for the last couple of days, so don't hate. But seriously. I haven't even changed the page on my calendar. I didn't even see my family or bed or dog or a clean change of clothes for 2 days, so my bad for not being on my game!

In my little corner of the universe, August means 2 very important things: 1) Time for school to start again and 2) Time for me to spend way too much on cool school supplies I'll probably never use at all the entire 9 months that I'm in school. Yeah, I'll admit, even at the age that I am, my favorite kind of shopping is school supplies shopping, and it saddens me so much that college doesn't require me to have a big box of crayons and an assortment of Lisa Frank folders and pencils. Instead, I'm good to go with a few Five Star notebooks and a pack of pens. Maybe a mechanical pencil or two. This is just growing up, I guess.

In other news, August now means me moving into my *drumroll please* very first apartment! In about a week and a half, I'll be making the 2 hour trek back to the sometimes-too-dangerous-for-anyone Norman, Oklahoma to begin my junior year at college, and I'll be living with three other girls (let's see how long it takes before I go all Carrie on their asses. Just kidding) (Nope.) I think it's finally hitting
me that summer is coming to a close soon and that I'll be living like a legit adult. (Like buying groceries and cooking and having my own full-sized bed. Those are adult things, right?)

August also means me no longer being employed. Oh what fun it has been to not come home smelling like chow mein or having sweet and sour sauce in random places on my body these last couple of days! I mean, I am so grateful that I was able to make some good money this summer, but you know I am even more grateful that I don't have to worry about that shit anymore (that is, until I'm back to being poor and unable to afford my Sour Patch Kids addiction). SCREW YOU, CHINESE FOOD! 

So, August is going to be pretty crazy and awesome and wonderful and slightly sad and just a tad bit stressful. This pretty much guarantees me having a 5-star, Emmy-nominated meltdown (and me getting really drunk too) at some point, but that is something future Angela can deal with.  I mean, August has already been pretty awesome, so don't rain on my parade.

But, hey, I'll be blogging pretty much everything this month, so you won't miss out on anything that's clean enough for me to write about without having to put a "Not Safe For Work" warning on here. Just kidding. I'll even include that stuff here.


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