August 7, 2013

The Thing About Country Music

I've lived in Oklahoma my entire life, so I've pretty much been exposed to the great wonder that is country music since day one. Although no one in my family is gun-hoe about the genre of music, it's definitely made its way into our programmed radio stations on several occasions over the years. That being said, I kind of hate country music. Sure, I probably know all the lyrics to every Rascal Flatts song released before 2006, but that means nothing at all. Yeah, yeah, don't yell at me via hateful comments or whatever it is you trolls do. It's just not my thing.

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself every single time I accidentally find myself liking a song about driving a pick-up truck.

Basically all summer long, I've been bumming off of Bruce by convincing him he should trust me to drive his car and stuff when he's not around (Thank you best friend. I love you!). Now, Bruce has like six different radio stations programmed. Four of them are pop stations that play what's hot and what's a decade or two old. Another is a station that plays a lot of music that is so loud that you can't hear the super depressing lyrics about really sad things that people do and feel. Then there is one that really stands out. You may have already guessed what it is because why else would I be talking about Bruce's programmed radio stations. It's country music.

I'll admit, when there's nothing good on the other stations, I sometimes settle for country. But I'll never admit that to anyone else.

Bruce knows how much I am irritated by the hick-ish-ness that is country music, so when he wants to get on my nerves and be a little shit face (just kidding!!!!), he puts on country music and refuses to let me or anything change that.

So, when we're driving places, it starts totally fine. We're both just jamming to some tunes....

and then it happens. He changes the friggin station unannounced like he's king of the world! Like "Ooooh I pay for gas and I pay my bills and go to work and eat bologna so I get to control the radio!"

And what happens next can only be described as pure agony.

Jokes on him, though. Because I do actually like some of the songs he thinks drive me crazy. But sometimes it's more fun to make fun of them than to just sing along like a normal person.  

To be honest, this post makes no sense at all. I just wanted to try out this comic maker I found. 

So, do I like country music? No. Not at all. Never. In. A. Million. Years. I just like that song about the guy trying to drive home and boink his girl but she is all up on him and he's all over the road. Don't judge me. 


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